E2323-01 Stormwater Improvements-Special Acres State School

The project includes the installation of underground stormwater piping, grate inlet structure, flared end sections, existing underground stormwater piping and existing grate inlet structure removal, diversion drainage swale, discharge drainage swales, grading, asphalt pavement and curb removal and replacement, erosion control blankets, rip rap, erosion control/storm water pollution prevention, landscape / finish grading, seeding and fertilizing, all appurtenances and minor details necessary to make the completed improvements.
Specifications (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
01-Full Spec 5.3 MB
02-Division 00 4.0 MB
03-Division 01 496.3 KB
04-Division 03 327.3 KB
05-Division 31 383.4 KB
06-Division 32 566.8 KB
07-Division 33 271.4 KB
08-Appendix 1.6 MB