M2311-01 Renovate Restrooms-Center for Behavioral Medicine

The project consists of the renovation of restrooms and laundry rooms at the Center for Behavioral Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri. The work consists of renovation of existing laundry rooms, restrooms, showers and toilets on the second and third floors. The work includes demolition and mold abatement.
Issued for Bid (click to expand/collapse)
Name Size
00-Full PDF of Plans 6.5 MB
01-G-001_Cover Sheet 234.5 KB
02-G-002_Sheet Index, Site Plan and Code Information 1.1 MB
03-G-003_Construction Phasing Second Floor Plan 519.1 KB
04-G-004_Construction Phasing Second Floor Plan 572.1 KB
05-G-005_Construction Phasing Third Floor Plan 656.4 KB
06-AD-101_Demo Second Floor Key Plan 513.5 KB
07-AD-102_Demo Second Floor Key Plan 623.9 KB
08-AD-103_Demo Third Floor Key Plan 659.1 KB
09-AD-104_Demo Second Floor Enlarged Plans 460.9 KB
10-AD-105_Demo Second Floor Enlarged Plans 451.6 KB
11-AD-106_Demo Second Floor Enlarged Plans 437.4 KB
12-AD-107_Demo Third Floor Enlarged Plans 491.1 KB
13-AD-108_Demo Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 484.9 KB
14-AD-109_Demo Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 466.9 KB
15-AD-110_Demo Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 449.9 KB
16-AD-111_Demo Third Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 500.7 KB
17-AE-101_New Work Second Floor Key Plan 431.3 KB
18-AE-102_New Work Second Floor Key Plan 533.8 KB
19-AE-103_New Work Third Floor Key Plan 573.4 KB
20-AE-104_New Work Second Floor Enlarged Plans 493.6 KB
21-AE-105_New Work Second Floor Enlarged Plans 477.2 KB
22-AE-106_New Work Second Floor Enlarged Plans 463.8 KB
23-AE-107_New Work Third Floor Enlarged Plans 539.4 KB
24-AE-108_New Work Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 611.4 KB
25-AE-109_New Work Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 546.1 KB
26-AE-110_New Work Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 507.6 KB
27-AE-111_New Work Third Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan 538.5 KB
28-AE-500_Existing Wall Sections and Details 587.1 KB
29-AE-501_New Work New Wall Sections and Details 694.6 KB
30-AE-502_New Work New Wall Sections and Details 606.1 KB
31-AE-503_New Work Details and Finish Schedule 639.6 KB
32-AE-504_New Work Details and Finish Schedule 587.0 KB
33-MEPF-01_MEPF New Work Second Floor Enlarged Plans 488.2 KB
34-MEPF-02_MEPF New Work Third Floor Enlarged Plans 493.0 KB