IDIQMCA-5001 Construction Services - HVAC - Central Region
Indefinite delivery / quantity type of contract for the performance of general construction services including, but not limited to, minor construction, repair, renovations, alterations, & maintenance to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment.
Accepting Bids
Prebid Date | 3/17/25 9:00am |
Bid Date | 4/1/25 1:30pm |
Company & Contacts
The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Paul Girouard
Central Missouri Region
Documents can be ordered online or by contacting ADS at 1400 Forum Blvd, Suite 7A, Columbia, MO 65203, Ph: (573) 446-7768, Email: A hard copy set of documents is available for no cost. A download is available for a purchase (non-refundable) of $10 that can be paid via credit card (you will see this option only when logged in).